5 Reasons to Buy CBD Oil for Cats

Watching cat videos on the internet is everyone’s favorite pastime, and not without reason. Underneath all that fur and cold stares is a loving and lively creature that melts hearts and chases all sorts of things while also sleeping in the oddest of spots.

All that activity does take its toll on our furry little friends, particularly on its joints. Older cats will feel it in particular. However, with CBD Oil for cats, you can reduce their pain and get them going all about the house again, and much more.

For Those Paws-itive Moments

There has been growing awareness about the perks of CBD oil to reduce joint pains and gain other health benefits. It turns out; it doesn’t just benefit humans but animals as well. There are a myriad of ways CBD Oil for cats will help your feline companion.

Anxiety Alleviation

Cats, too, can suffer from anxiety on many levels of severity. They can also undergo stress for a variety of reasons. They don’t show outright signs of these, unlike dogs. Typical symptoms include oversleeping, excessive aggression towards people and other animals, excessive scratching and grooming, loudness and isolation, digestion problems, and bad excrement etiquette.

CBD Oil can help calm them down and eliminate the reasons for those stresses and anxieties, which can have severe consequences otherwise over a long period.

Arthritis Annihilation

Recent studies have shown that cats also suffer from Osteoarthritis, with 64% of those 6 years or older have it in at least one limb. Over the age of 14, that number is 82%. Cats don’t show outward reactions to joint pain until it’s very severe. The most obvious sign will be a reticence to jumping and actively moving about. Frequent urination outside of the litter box is also a symptom. The most likely cause is said to be obesity.

CBD oil helps by reducing the perceived pain level as it can inhibit the pain receptors. More importantly, its anti-inflammatory properties bring down inflammation and stop further spreading.

Hunger Bringer

Cats don’t ever say no to a treat, which is why you must pay attention if your cat is not eating right. A number of reasons can be causing appetite loss, from psychological like stress and anxiety, to physical like worms, injury, fever, etc. Typical signs include refusal to eat, lethargy, excessive tiredness, etc.

CBD oil can work on many factors, including the cat’s appetite, stimulate it, or lessen the other problems behind the appetite loss.

Attitude Correction

Cats are moody creatures by nature, and their attitude can vary at different times of the day. However, if it has been bad for prolonged periods, there could be some serious underlying cause behind it. Psychological and physical ailments can cause such changes. Sometimes, hormonal and environmental changes can do so too.

CBD oil can reduce the impact of many psychological and physical problems, thus bringing about good behavior overall.

Seizure Closure

Seizures can affect cats, too, sadly. It may be due to brain damage or other neurological problems. The good news is that CBD Oil has been shown to bring down both the strength and frequency of cats’ seizures.

Cats are our lifeguards against bad moods, and CBD oil for cats is their lifeguard against various problems.