People enjoy CBD oil in part for its surprising lack of side effects. Most people are familiar with the potential side effects of imbibing cannabis, yet CBD oil seems to lack almost all of them.
However, CBD oil isn’t lacking all side effects – there is still the occasional report of unpleasant consequences. Things like elevated or possibly decreased appetite, lower blood pressure, and other minor effects are sometimes reported.
But is it the CBD oil’s fault? Or do the side effects of CBD products actually result from contamination from THC?
What Kinds of Side Effects Does THC Cause?
Before we can find out if THC causes CBD oil side effects, we need to understand the typical side effects THC can cause.
While many people now understand that THC has some beneficial properties, it also has a few extremely distinctive side effects. For example, everyone is familiar with dry mouth and dry eyes. This pesky pair means that your lips and eyes feel like all the moisture has been sucked away, leaving you dry and parched.
Additionally, you can expect the typical side effects of head pressure and the psychoactive reaction that THC causes. While the latter is often the intended effect when you imbibe THC, it could undoubtedly be considered a side effect for those who don’t actually want to experience it.
Alongside that, some people consider the lasting psychosis and long-term dependency of THC as another side effect. However, the issue is whether or not those effects might find their way into your CBD oil.
So, does THC concentration affect the side effects of CBD oil?
The Side Effects of CBD Oil: What the Science Says
A study for the F1000 Research journal looking into THC’s side effects found that there was some evidence THC could be contaminating batches of CBD all over the world.
Looking at a vast range of different CBD products, researchers discovered that there was sufficient contamination of THC within CBD oil products. This could lead to some of the side effects that people complain about, especially when they buy more mediocre quality CBD oil.
However, that point is usually the key one – the quality of the CBD oil is what determines if it will trigger adverse side effects.
The study found that THC had the potential to contaminate CBD oil, primarily within cheaper, lower quality brands. Additionally, the researchers found that it was more likely to be the case in cheaper “hemp oil” brands. Brands that were more expensive were typically made with higher quality ingredients.
Furthermore, better quality brands put more care into making the products as high quality as possible.
In short, there is indeed a chance for THC to contaminate CBD oil when the ingredients and methods are lower quality.
But what does this actually mean for you?
What Does Mean for Buying CBD Oil?
Reading this, it might seem like you should be absolutely terrified. After all, finding out that there is potential to accidentally dose yourself with THC is pretty frightening.
Whether you are trying to avoid failing a randomized drug test or just avoid THC entering your system, you need to watch out what you put in your body. If CBD oil can only randomly contain THC, what are you supposed to do?
Luckily, you don’t need to worry that much. As long as you are only buying the highest quality CBD oil possible, you won’t have any problem.
Places that offer high-quality CBD products and have only the best CBD for sale are not likely to be contaminated. For example, sites like Premium Jane, which stocks all kinds of high-quality, lab-tested CBD products, will not contain unwanted THC.
A crucial part of knowing this is the lab reports, detailing precisely how much of each cannabinoid or chemical compound is in each bottle.
If you ever find yourself doubting what could be in your CBD oil, make sure to only look for those that come with lab reports.
Plus, finding a trustworthy company that you can depend on goes a long way.