Slowplay: tips and strategies to play slowplay in poker

The slowplay strategy in poker has become one of the most used by professional players and one of the most difficult to defeat, according to professional players. The slowplay allows to play a hand passively and to hide the true potential by inviting the opponents to take the initiative.

The slowplay strategy in poker is one of the main objectives to be achieved by poker players who want to reach professional levels. Its purpose is to simulate passive play in order to hide the potential of a hand, thus inviting the opponents to take the initiative. Poker experts explain that this strategy is played to avoid taking opponents out of the hand by making a bet that they cannot match. This seeks, in parallel, to make the pot increase, but it is the rivals who take the initiative and make the bets. This is, according to the professionals, a very difficult point to reach because it is necessary to find a balance between not pushing the opponents out and making the pot increase.

The player who applies a slowplay is a passive and conservative player, he deceives the rest of the opponents by giving them the impression that he has a weak hand, in order to make them believe that they have the opportunity to get more relatively good cards in the course of the whole game, according to the professionals of this card game. By doing so, they create the false expectation of making the opponents think that they can win the hand, they qualify. From Pokertimeclub, the company specializing in poker with app for Android and iOS, say that this is the strategy most used by professional poker players. Specifically by those who adopt an aggressive tight style, since they make re-raises as a protection mechanism and choose the most appropriate moments to make a slowplay.

The Chinese poker entity offers several professional poker clubs with a large traffic of players through its app. They feature all kinds of soft games ranging from NL60 to NL3K with amateur players, as well as professionals skilled in slowplay strategy and other techniques. In addition to an extensive variety of recreational players, as can be seen in their clubs: The company reminds that there is an infinity of strategies to play poker that are completed with the style of each player, such as aggressive loose, passive loose, nit, passive tight and aggressive tight. They indicate that the latter is the most feared, since those who master it play slowplay to perfection.

For the company, as well as for other experts in the poker game, it is essential to learn how a slowplay strategy works. It is very useful to increase winnings, but also to detect players who are applying it and thus avoid significant losses during the hand.

The slowplay, an exceptional strategy for playing Texas Hold’em

To play a slowplay properly, explain some of the professional players, it is important that this strategy is exceptional and that it is not repeated frequently. They explain that one should avoid playing by applying a slowplay whenever one has a good hand, but also by alternating between different betting houses so as not to be identified by other players. They clarify that by maintaining an exceptional character it will be much more difficult for the opponents to guess what the strategist’s game is and therefore disable it, but also to prevent it from turning against the player. The exceptional character must therefore take precedence over a good hand. Remember that there are many other strategies that can be applied in these situations.

The slowplay at the start, how to play the strategy during the preflop

Talking about the start in poker refers to the preflop moment. The strategy, in this case, involves playing a starting hand covered and paying the bet, but without raising. Remember that this carries its risks, as is obvious. Chief among the problems is that the action may encourage other players to enter the hand and see the flop, which could be very dangerous. They clarify that it is important to be aware of this and to get rid of the hand if the situation calls for it. The strategy continues, the players say, with the following rounds – although this means that the risk continues to increase with each new card dealt. In these cases, they advise playing uncovered and raising the stakes to discover the strength of the opponents, unless the hand has improved considerably on the flop.

The slowplay strategy after the flop

The slowplay strategy after the flop is applied if the player has got the right community cards and has decided to continue playing with a stopper. The result can be to win the hand at the end of the last round, experts say. However, they point out that the more rounds the opponents are allowed to play, the more cards they will get and, therefore, the greater the risk of the strategy used turning against them. They point out that the more phases are played in slowplay, the greater the risk of losing the hand.

The advantages of being weak, or of making your opponents believe you are weak

Slowplay carries a number of risks for inexperienced players, but it can also be a way to win a lot of chips. The key, they say, is to make your opponents believe that you are a weak player at all times, at least in the hand in question, they point out. To do this, they explain, the strategy must be perfected little by little. It is a matter of showing weakness by not betting or raising, but also by encouraging your opponents to take the initiative with a minor move or a bluff in order to have an adequate response capacity. It is a matter of finding an equivalence between a good play and the risk of losing a hand, they conclude.