WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that the Texas legislature’s S.B. 4 may be enforced, allowing the state to arrest and deport illegal aliens, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement:
“Today, the Supreme Court allowed S.B. 4 to be enforced while Texas continues to fight for the law in court. This was the right decision. Under Joe Biden, we have encountered unprecedented levels of illegal immigration at our Southern border, and Texas communities are suffering because of it. Joe Biden is refusing to enforce the law, and I hope that the Supreme Court will ultimately recognize the right of Texas to secure our border on our own.
“My legislation, the Senate companion to H.R. 2, would help to alleviate this crisis at the federal level, so that Texas doesn’t need to secure the border alone. H.R. 2 would punish visa overstays, reform immigration parole, asylum, and legal immigration workforce issues, and prevent uncontrolled alien flow into the United States.”
Sen. Cruz has been at the forefront of the fight to secure our border.
- Cruz has led numerous groups of legislators on fact-finding trips to the U.S. Mexico borderto document the unprecedented crisis of Joe Biden’s open borders agenda.
- Cruz introduced the WALL Actto fully fund the wall along the southern border, and the EL CHAPO Act, which would use money forfeited to the U.S. government as a result of the criminal prosecution of Mexican drug lord “El Chapo” and other drug kingpins for border security and the completion of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
- Cruz has fought to keep American communities safe, as “sanctuary cities” across the country refuse to enforce the laws and release violent criminals illegally into our country. The Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Actwould allow local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and would pull taxpayer-funded grants to sanctuary cities.
- Cruz has successfully secured several amendments to the Coast Guard Authorization Actwhich support security efforts at our southern border. Sen. Cruz delivered on legislation that mandates real-time data sharing between U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (USCBP) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), legislation that would mandate the acquisition of enhanced surveillance capabilities for the southern maritime boundary, and legislation that would explore the creation of a Coast Guard facility at Port Mansfield.
- Cruz led the Asylum Accountability Actin the Senate which would impose a significant increase in the penalty for illegal aliens who fail to appear in immigration court by permanently barring them from gaining any future benefit under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
- Cruz led the effort to confront the Biden administration to address the humanitarian and security crisis at the U.S. southern borderby establishing effective immigration controls in the United States. He also focused on targeting U.S. foreign assistance efforts to strengthen border security and migration management capacities in the region, and leveraging existing bilateral extradition treaties and the Palermo Protocols to prosecute transnational criminal actors facilitating illegal migration to the United State.
- Cruz led the Senate companion to H.R. 2, the House-passed border security bill.