Sen. Cruz Awarded the Club for Growth Foundation’s 2022 Defender of Economic Freedom Award

Senator Ted Cruz

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) accepted the 2022 Club for Growth Defender of Economic Freedom Award for his dedication to promoting economic growth and championing issues related to limited government. Sen. Cruz has proudly proposed and supported common-sense pro-jobs and pro-growth legislation to get the government off the backs of hardworking taxpayers, and rein in the Biden administration’s out-of-control spending.

The Club for Growth is the largest free market advocacy organization in the United States, and the foundation’s 2022 Congressional Economic Scorecard is considered the gold-standard in measuring the voting behavior of Members of Congress. The Defender of Economic Freedom Award is given to Representatives and Senators who not only score 90% or better on votes cast in a year, but also maintain a lifetime rating of at least 90% to receive the award.

Upon accepting the Defender of Economic Freedom Award, Sen. Cruz said“Texans have had enough of Democrats’ spending binge and burdensome taxation, which are smothering growth and opportunity. It’s time to put a stop to the reckless spending habits of the Biden administration that are driving up inflation and outpacing economic growth. I am committed to putting American jobs first, fighting oppressive taxation policies, and championing pro-growth policies that restore our economy and keep Americans’ hard-earned dollars in their pockets.”

Club for Growth’s President David McIntosh said“We congratulate Sen. Cruz for earning Club for Growth’s Defender of Economic Freedom Award for fighting for policies that advance limited government and prosperity. Meanwhile Democrats have become more socialist than ever despite many of them claiming to be ‘moderate.’”


  • Cruz helped enact historic tax reformin 2017, which gave a tax cut to virtually every taxpayer in America. It reduced taxes on small businesses, farmers, ranchers, and job producers, which has helped bring jobs to Texas and drive innovation.
    • He has also foughtto make permanent its historic tax cuts for individuals.
  • He has repeatedly introduced legislation to repealthe Biden administration’s misguided infrastructure package that included a provision expanding the IRS to cover the cryptocurrency space.
  • He introduced an amendmentto strike the $80 billion increase in IRS funding.
  • He sent lettersto the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to request an investigation into the political weaponization of IRS data.
  • He introduced legislationcalled the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act alongside his Republican colleagues to prohibit the IRS from being granted access to virtually every single American’s bank account.