Side hustle tips for parents

If you’re a parent looking to make a bit of extra money from a side hustle you might be feeling overwhelmed. You probably feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done, which is why you need these tips to help you organize your workload a little better. Sometimes the hardest part of starting a side hustle is understanding what you need to do and when, so if you’ve been floundering for some time, this blog is a must-read.

Get the right technology

Running a side hustle without the right technology isn’t easy. While you might be hesitant to invest in things like accounting software and analytics programs, they’re going to mean you have to do a lot less legwork yourself. Don’t forget about the software that keeps your business website running smoothly either. You’ll need a content management system as well as a POS system for small businesses. While this might be putting you off getting set up even more, once you’ve identified all the tech you need, you’ll be making leaps and bounds.

Ask for help

When you have young children to think about it can be hard to make time for your side hustle. But you don’t have to do everything on your own. Whether you enlist the help of your partner, friends, extended family, or teachers at your child’s school, help is out there. Explain that you might need them to take over a few chores or childcare duties every now and again while you work on your project. Most of your nearest and dearest will be more than happy to help, especially once they see how much your side hustle could help out the family.

Commit to the cause

Once you’ve taken steps to set up your business, you need to fully commit to making a good go of it. Half-hearted attempts and giving up before you’ve gotten anywhere are going to set you up for failure. Try to set realistic goals and keep going even when you’ve not quite reached them. Sometimes you will need to change your approach, do more marketing, or adjust your sales pitch, but sticking with your idea is the most important thing. Very few small businesses are overnight successes, so expect to see slow but steady growth over the coming year.

Get smart about finances

One of the hardest parts about starting a side hustle or small business is getting your finances in order. Before you begin trading, make sure you have a good understanding of taxes and other expenses you might incur. Research shipping costs and VAT and look into getting an accountant if you really think you need one. It’s important to carefully consider the savings you currently have as well because if you haven’t got quite enough, you might struggle to get your business off the ground.

Starting something worthwhile is never easy, but with a bit of hard work and determination, you can boost your income with your side hustle.