Even though technology has progressed so much and the video games we can play today are amazing, there are still many of us that are tabletop game enthusiasts. Some people play them because of nostalgia, some because they like gathering with their friends to play, while others are just mesmerized by the creativity and art that goes into creating a tabletop game. Whatever the reason might be, we can totally understand.
One of the most popular tabletop games for sure is Magic: The Gathering. Basically, this is the game from which many of the most popular franchises such as Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and similar have drawn inspiration. Magic: The Gathering combines both strategy and luck of draw. This game can, as any – surely get complicated. The truth is that even people who have played it for years still can learn something new about it. But, when it comes to learning the basics, with the right information, you’ll be able to play in no time.
Having that in mind, if you were thinking of starting this magnificent game, and you wanted to find some tips and tricks to help you, you have come to the right place. In the article, we will be discussing some useful suggestions that will help you learn more about Magic: The Gathering (MTG).
Practice, practice, practice!
For some tabletop games, it can happen that you play well quite quickly. But, when it comes to MTG, constant practice is the key. So, make sure you practice the field as much as you can. The more experience you have, the better you will be. Do not be afraid of misplays and mistakes that might happen. From every mistake, you will be able to develop as a player and understand things about your deck better. To know better how to make your moves, you can always get help from the Amazing Game Room, and make your experience of practicing even more valuable. Bottom line, no matter how good you get, always try to improve yourself by practicing and searching for various tips
Know when you should mulligan
Some decisions in the game have to be made even before you have taken your first turn. When you do not have any lands in your hand, or when most of your hand are land cards, it is absolutely clear that you should mulligan. But, when it comes to cases in between, it is not as clear.
We would advise you to see if your current hand would let you counter your opponent or be proactive early on in the game. If that is not the case, you should take a mulligan. Do so also if in your opening hand you can’t cast more than one spell. And lastly, if your opening hand does not align with your overall strategy, be sure to take a mulligan.
Don’t have one resource, but three
A lot of players focus on mana as a resource in the game. But, be sure to focus on cards and life points as well and manage all three of them properly. Work on advancing your strategy by using as few cards as you can. At the same time, make the other player spend more cards than they would usually spend to keep up with you. The best color for achieving this is blue.
Learn how to build a sideboard
You have probably heard that out of the 75 cards in the deck, up to 15 can go to the sideboard. The sideboard is used when you want to swap the main deck in order to adjust to the other player’s strategy. Some classic ones people usually put in the sideboard are the Ghost Quarter, Spellskite, Pithing Needle as well as Wasteland. All of these are quite broad and generic. Other cards you can choose should be the ones you would need for a specific strategy.
It’s important to have a plan B
When you play any strategy game, it is crucial that you have a plan B, and MTG is no exception. Your deck will be the one defining the primary strategy. But, as your opponent can defeat your main plan, you will need another way to get that win.
A good way to do this is to switch up your strategy in the middle of the game to surprise your opponents. For instance, if you decide to substitute combat damage with bum damage instead. Another thing that you can do is to opt for efficient beater cards while abandoning your combo. In any case, you won’t be able to switch up your strategy if you don’t have a versatile deck. This is why it is important to always build your deck with strategy in mind, and a good way to go is to opt for a multicolor deck.
Feel free to make sacrifices
A common mistake among beginner MTG players is overestimating the value of their points and planeswalkers. We would advise you not to do this. More often than not, blocking will not turn out well, and the opponents will rarely attack. The only case when that will happen is when they are certain that their creatures can kill the ones you have. The time for blocking is when your life is low. But what you can do until then is buy time by letting small creatures through.
In the end, as with every game that was ever invented, you will build your arsenal of tricks as time goes by. Don’t be afraid to try out different things – especially if you’re just starting to play. By doing so, you have the ability to understand firsthand what works and what doesn’t. Building your strategy takes time, and it is absolutely expected that you lose more games than you win in the beginning. In fact, the probability is high that you will learn more from your mistakes than you will from the games that you win without any issues.
With the tips from this article, you are ready to venture into the mesmerizing world of Magic: The Gathering with more confidence as you start playing. Some of the strategies might stick, while you may find a better substitute for others as you go. In any case, don’t take playing too seriously – the whole point of playing any game is to have fun. Good luck, and venture forth with your new knowledge!