Oct 18, 2024
In recognition of Family-History Month in October, Fort Bend County Libraries’ Genealogy & Local History Department at George Memorial Library will join the Genealogy Network of Texas (GNT) in a state-wide, collaborative Genealogy Lock-In for family-history buffs on Friday, October 18, from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm, in Room 2A of the library, located at 1001 Golfview in Richmond.
A series of teleconferences with topics of interest to family-history researchers will be live-streamed throughout the day. Participants may attend to view all the sessions, or they may choose to view individual sessions. The schedule is as follows:
- 10:30-11:30 am– “U.S. Naturalization: The Records, The Laws, & The Impact,” presented by Irene B. Walters, Librarian at Houston Public Library’s Family History Research Center. Discover the history of naturalization laws and requirements in the United States and how this affected one’s ancestors and their naturalizations. Learn how to utilize naturalization records for genealogical research.
- 11:50 am-12:50 pm– “Genealogy Resources at the Texas General Land Office,” presented by Kevin Klaus, Information Specialist with the Texas General Land Office Research Room. The Texas General Land Office contains a wealth of genealogical resources for anyone researching ancestors that received an original Texas land grant. The collection includes more than 35.5-million documents and more than 45,000 maps and sketches dating back to 1561. Explore the Spanish collection, grants given under the Republic of Texas with an emphasis on Bounty and Donation grants, the Court of Claims files, and Confederate Scrip Voucher files. Learn how to search the free online database.
- 1:05-2:05 pm– “So You Discovered You Have a Colonial Ancestor – Now What?” presented by Craig R. Scott, President and CEO of Heritage Books, Inc. Create a research plan for one’s colonial ancestor using available records in free and subscription databases. Examine existing law in the time period, the land process, and the probate process. Look for muster and payrolls. Learn how to use the state archives to enhance your search.
- 2:20-3:20 pm– “I’ve Found My Irish Immigrant Ancestor – Now What?” presented by Claire Bradley, Director of Irish Studies of the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. Learn about resources that are available online, offline resources in Ireland, what research can be arranged remotely, and what must be done in person. Explore planning a research trip to Ireland and how to use DNA test results to enhance one’s work.
- 3:35-4:35 pm– “Proven Methods for Breaking Down Genealogical Brick Walls,” presented by Leslie Tomlinson, certified genealogist. Learn the skills to advance one’s research and develop strategies to break down roadblocks in one’s family research using familiar resources, such as Federal census, courthouse records, tax records, and passenger lists.
Lunch is not included, but those attending the workshop are welcome to bring a lunch with them.
Co-sponsored by the Central Texas Genealogical Society, the Texas State Genealogical Society, and the Genealogy Network of Texas, the workshop is free and open to the public.
Seating is limited, and reservations are required. To register online at Fort Bend County Libraries’ website (www.fortbend.lib.tx.us), click on “Classes & Events,” select “George Memorial Library,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library’s Genealogy & Local History Department (281-341-2608). Those registering may choose to view the presentations at the library, or they may opt to receive the link to view them at home.