5 Tips to Keep your Mattress Clean

Sleep is important in maintaining good overall health and well-being. According to National Sleep Foundation, about more than 90% of people believed that a clean and comfy bed immensely contribute to a healthy nightly sleep. When you have enough sleep, you’ll feel better upon waking up which leads to positive disposition. Who would have thought that the mattress behind your back has a great deal of an impact in your everyday living?

You may have invested in a good quality mattress but it is just the initial step. Finding ways to keep your mattress clean, such as how to get pee out of mattress will surely enhance the longevity of your nightly bedroom companion.

  1. Change your sheets on a weekly basis. This is the simplest task you should do every week and yet significant in keeping your mattress clean. Changing sheets will help protect your mattress from stain, dust and dirt but it is also part of good personal hygiene. It surely does feel good to be sleeping on fresh sheets and wake up refreshed each morning.
  2. Mattress rotation and flipping with each season. Most mattress manufacturers recommend to flip and rotate the mattress every season. This simple task of flipping and rotating in keeping your mattress clean will ensure even wear on all areas. This will prevent sagging and depressions in certain areas in the mattress especially if you usually sleep on one side. Will also help keep the shape and form of the mattress making it last longer.
  3. Give your mattress some time under the sun. One of the easiest ways to keep your mattress clean is by exposing it on direct sunlight. You don’t need to drag your mattress outside but instead find a spot in your room where sunlight can penetrate. Aside from keeping your mattress free from humidity, this is a natural way of disinfecting your mattress.
  4. Dryer sachet or sheet will help keep bad odor away. Don’t throw away used dryer sheets or sachets, you can simply use it to keep odor away while giving a pleasant smell. The component in the dryer sheet has good absorbent property that will neutralize odors.
  5. Give your mattress some fresh air. Make it a habit to leave windows and doors open in the morning to facilitate natural air flow. With air circulating inside your bedroom, body moisture which is often left on the mattress will evaporate to keep it clean and dry. This is also a good way to prevent mildew. A half hour of airing will do.

Apart from extending the lifespan of your mattress, the main benefit to cleaning it is to instantly increase the air quality inside your home. Filthy mattress causes biological contaminants and foul odors that may affect your sleep at night. Maintaining its cleanliness daily is a big help in having a restful, comfortable and uninterrupted sleep. So always do your best to clean your mattress as much as possible no matter how busy your schedule might be. Hire someone to do the cleaning for you if you really can’t do it on your own. Don’t mind spending a little if it would mean a healthier environment for you.