How Mobile Automation Testing Can Overcome the Challenges of Manual Mobile App Testing?

Manual testing is preferred by certain firms, although it is not the ideal method. When you have the tests in place, the next step is to automate your testing process. To a maximum extent, manual testing should be avoided, and here is why automation testing is a better option for mobile applications.

  1. A shorter feedback loop

Feedback for freshly built features might take a long time without test automation. Mobile Test automation allows you to shorten the feedback cycle and provide faster validation for different stages of your product’s development. Mobile automation testing enhances communication with other departments who rely on the findings of these tests.

Test automation is particularly beneficial since it aids in the early detection of problems or faults during the development process, therefore increasing the efficiency of the team.

  1. Time-saving

In automated testing, your team will spend less time validating newly generated features if you automate your testing method. Mainly departments such as marketing, design, or product owners rely on those findings. These departments can quickly review the automated test logs to see what’s going on.

  1. Lowering of Business Expenses

Your firm will save money by adopting an automated test environment since less resources will be used to test your product. You shouldn’t be conducting any manual testing, according to the theory. This may make a significant impact throughout the course of the project.

Installing and configuring an automated testing environment costs time and resources. Instead, you can pay for a good test automation solution that can help you set up a robust test automation environment.

  1. Increased Test Coverage

The number of tests you can check using manual testing is limited. You may spend more time developing new tests and adding them to your automated test suite because of mobile automation testing. This helps to expand your product’s test coverage, ensuring that more functionalities are thoroughly evaluated, and it results in the launch of a high-quality application.

Moreover, automated testing enables developers to design more in-depth tests that cover a wider range of use cases. testing can be used to conduct lengthy tests that are typically avoided during manual testing.

  1. Test Suite Durability

Building an automated test suite might be difficult at the start. However, once you’ve established your suite, reusing tests for various other projects is a benefit. You can quickly connect other project to the automated test suite, which is a big advantage

Now that you’ve already mastered the setup of an automated test suite and its associated technologies, such as a continuous integration (CI) pipeline.

  1. A shorter time to market is a plus.

As I previously stated, test automation may be used to continually test and validate newly built functionalities. Mobile automation testing shortens the feedback and testing process, allowing businesses to get their goods to market faster.

  1. Improved Insights

When certain tests fail, automated testing gives more information than manual testing. This helps get more insights to the developers. Automated software testing shows you the memory contents, data tables, file contents, and other internal program states. This feature assists developers in determining what went wrong.

  1. Accuracy Improvement

Maintaining accuracy is of utmost importance because even the most experienced testing engineer will make mistakes during manual testing. Mistakes can happen, especially when evaluating a complicated use case. Automated tests, on the other hand, can conduct tests with 100% accuracy since they provide the same result every time they are run.

  1. Automated Testing Provides Features

More capabilities may be added to an automated test suite, such as simulating thousands of virtual users interacting with your web application as this helps to evaluate how it operates. In Manual testing, it will not be able to reproduce this type of behavior. This automation testing feature saves a lot of time for developers!

  1. Elimination of Human Error

In Manual testing humans are exposed to the risk of making errors. It makes sense to utilise test automation to avoid errors, especially in complicated scenarios. The fact cannot be denied that even with test automation, you can make mistakes. However, when you use test automation for your test suite, the rate of errors is considerably reduced.

  1. Power consumption and battery life

We haven’t seen too many innovations when it comes to the design of mobile devices but the usability of such gadgets is expanding rapidly. People are becoming dependent on their smartphones and consuming more multimedia content than ever; this is why we need to perform our testing on power consumption. More powerful apps mean bigger batteries but that won’t matter if they can’t retain a charge for very long – which is what we’ll ensure during our test once we’re done making sure that our app uses less battery power!

  1. Sizes of the Screen

The Android world is quickly changing. With all the variety of different aspect ratios and pixel densities, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed even if you’re an expert in this field. Although iOS developers are used to pixel-perfect screens, they now need to change their mindset to adaptive screen design instead. When screens are designed for various devices with all their different screen sizes and aspect ratio issues, it’s hard not to get confused. Remembering which phone was popular when dealing with phones that have 5-inch or higher displays is something that will continue to be important by the year 2021.

  1. Connection Types

Another great challenge for the QA team is testing all the various connection types available to modern mobile devices. 3G, 4G, and now 5G are the three most common mobile data connection types, with each generational increase in speed and transmission technology. While we predict 90 percent of the world’s population to have access to at least 4G service somewhere in 2021, the variable speeds and connection characteristics between different generations make testing a difficult task.

As a result, it’s critical that testing takes into account the full range of speeds and connectivity qualities that the app may encounter.

  1. Internationalization

Internationalization is a method of development that allows an application to be used in a variety of languages and cultures. In an ideal world, internationalization takes into account differences in written translations across the app and focuses on regional characteristics like locale, time zones, and even canonical equivalences.

Not only should proper testing evaluate properly written translations, but it should also check for spacing and layouts that need to be adjusted for languages written left-to-right, right-to-left, and top-to-bottom.

  1. Location Dependence: Many applications nowadays have the location-based information feature and hence there comes another challenge for proper mobile application development. It has to deal with recognizing and handling the location-based information your application might need to utilize, depending on where the user is located. Although GPS systems are the most common application of such modern mobile features, a wide range of apps now use location-dependent algorithms to provide real-time information about the user’s surroundings or send alerts to other users of the same app who are nearby.

Conclusion: Mobile applications are constantly evolving. There are changes in various aspects, be it screen size or be it the operating system. What a developer must emphasize in building an application that is user-friendly, bug-free, and with the best features. And all this is possible only when you test it efficiently. And to test it efficiently all you need is mobile automation testing!