Production challenges of micro coils from the eyes of a manufacturer

If you are deep in the medicine or electronics industry, you must have heard about micro coils. A tiny system of coils that look harmless from a distance but performs tasks that assist in saving lives. These coils develop from a sophisticated system of electromagnetically charged wires spiraled around a core. Themicro-coils have an acute ability to collaborate electric current and magnetic fields. The coils find several applications, especially in the medical arena and electronics. Transformers, inductors, electromagnets are only a handful of the many uses ofmicro coils. 

As the name suggests, micro coils indeed are micro. Meaning they are small, really small, as thin as a strain of hair small. Similar to computers that were once gigantic but making them smaller to fit your palms provided a challenge, micro coils do too face production issues due to their miniature figure. From the type of components used to the kind of wire, everything needs to be perfectly intertwined to fit the microscopic nature of the coil. Among the many, some major concerns for manufacturers of micro coils include:

  1. The application of micro coils in devices going on a surge. However, the space provided in the device for the micro-coil is getting smaller by the day. Companies have started asking manufacturers to make coils that are beyond micro. 
  2. Achieving a great decrease in size also means no room for errors. No errors also mean an increase in the automation process of producing micro coils. So ultimately, the cost plays a significant role. 
  3. On one hand, customers demand a minimized size of micro coils. On the other hand, there are clients not ready to adapt to the new coil system. Meaning, they stick to the old nice coil design space for their devices. 
  4. How does this challenge the production process? It simply demands the manufacturers to produce the same type of micro coil in different sizes. An aspect that yet again results in increased cost of production. 
  5. Companies that manufactured micro coils cannot rely on the traditional scenarios of coil making. Hence, new machinery and equipment that can work with wires as small as eight microns or 0.0003 inches in diameter required. It’s better said than done. Many companies who have expertise in the production process have to develop their procedures and machines to reach this level of sophistication.  

Because of these little tweaks and alterations that the cost of production of micro coils goes up. Ultimately, resulting in the overall increase of a particular device. From implants to therapeutics, orthopedics, and more, many science areas demand the use of such micro coils. Provided they cannot have the same design for all. Constant development, invention, and reinvention are the only way ahead. With essential parts like micro coils of devices miniaturized, there seems a bright future for medical electronics to become slight. Prioritizing high quality at the forefront of this magnificent development ofmicro coils. There is only success enabled in the future.