Gambling in the visual arts

Many famous works of literature, cinema and painting reflect different moments of gambling. They have long become mass entertainment, allowing you to have a good time, relax and win real money in Gclub casino.

Lots of well-known painters and writers paid attention to various aspects of human passions in their works. The ancient roots of gambling have been reflected in the works of art since time immemorial. The culture of different nations has excellent examples of works showing the gambling hobbies of ordinary people, nobility or wealthy people. Which of the most famous paintings tell us about gambling and different types of games?

“The Cardsharps” by Caravaggio

Famous Italian painter created this work in 1594. In the picture, you can see a naive young man who sat down at a card table with a card shark. The fraudster can be recognized by the cards hidden behind his back, as well as an assistant peeping at the young man’s cards and gesturing about them to his accomplice. A big dagger on the assistant’s belt is a clear sign that this game could end very badly.

Now we know more than fifty variations of this painting by Caravaggio, created by different artists. All of them are devoted to the card games and the relationships between the players. There is no such thing in the modern world, only online casino for money.

“The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs” by Georges de La Tour

This famous artwork by the French painter reflects different human passions and weaknesses. It shows not only gambling, but also about alcoholic beverages and vicious women. A young man plays cards with a pair of women who share glances. You can see the young man’s cards, and that he’s trying to swap the ace of clubs, previously hidden behind the belt on his back. The glasses of wine, rich clothing of the ladies and the presence of the maid show that all this happens not with the ordinary people, but with the members of the nobility.