6 beginners Full Strength Training Plan For Women

If the fitness bug just got to you, then you know how it feels to catch up on a refreshing workout session every day. The energy and enthusiasm as a beginner are incredible. The entire gym is your ground to experience and enjoy. But as a beginner, the main question is how to exercise correctly. Common problem beginners face in the gym is, not knowing how to utilize the best of the facilities around. You hear about weight training, cardio, strength training, and many such terms that confuse you more rather than acting as a guide.

As a beginner, strength training should be a priority. This choice is opposed to the prevailing trend where women often spend most of their time on cardio machines trying to lose those love handles. Cardio is the right choice to lose fat. But staying in shape is all about consistency, and that is why strength training plays a rather crucial role for women during workouts. There are different types of strength training available that focus on each part of the body. Putting a little focus on each of these parts every day ensures you workout your body correctly. Here are six full strength training plan for women to guide you during your workouts.

Plan 1: For beginners, engaging in heavy exercise could be difficult. Hence a mixture of workouts that concentrate on different parts of the body needs to be placed in such a way that you can catch a breath between two heavy workouts. A typical session can last for up to 25 minutes, and you can work two to three sets of each exercise with 15 repetitions each. For weight-based exercises, start with the smallest weight and increase the number of repetitions with time rather than going to heavier weights. Make sure to rest at least 30 to 60 seconds between intense workouts. Do not forget to warm up with some basic stretching before you step into the deep end. Each set shall last about 1 – 1.5 minutes followed by a minute break.


  1. Push-ups – Mix a few sets of regular and modified for best results.
  2. Squats – Bodyweight squats are an excellent place to start. You can move to weighted squats when you feel comfortable.
  3. Dumbbell rows
  4. Bicycle crunches
  5. Bodyweight lunges
  6. Shoulder presses
  7. Pulldowns
  8. Step-ups – bodyweight

Plan 2: This workout plan is also a 25-minute workout set which consists of a 10 exercise set. The exercises cover both resistance as well as cardio training. The mixture helps keep your heart rate up and burn more calories than each of these training individually can. The best way to get through this set is to keep the exercise going with just about 15 seconds in between to relax. Start with a jog or any warm-up exercise to get your heart racing. You can also try some cannabis strains to give energy bursts from online dispensary Canada.

  1. Wall sit – start with body weight and move to weighted sets
  2. Planks
  3. Jumping jacks
  4. Triceps dips
  5. Dumbbell rows
  6. Glute bridges
  7. Push-ups
  8. Step-ups
  9. Mountain climbers
  10. Squats

Finish the set with some stretching exercises to relax the muscles well.

Plan 3: This is a simple starter training set for strength training. Begin with smaller reps each set and increase the number of sets gradually. Relaxing time of 30 seconds between the exercises will make sure you get through the entire set. Go for about 2 -5 sets for each exercise and 5-8 reps each.


  1. Goblet Squat – You can mix up a few different styles of Squats as you increase the sets.
  2. Push-ups
  3. Inverted rows – You can switch between barbell and suspension trainers to increase efficiency.
  4. Chest press
  5. Leg extensions
  6. Planks
  7. Assisted Pull-ups – You can use bands or machines based on your choice.

Plan 4: For this set of exercises, you can go for three sets for each exercise and vary the number of reps to get the best benefits. The exercises are slightly heavier, and hence you can take about 60 seconds pause between each set to get through the plan.

  1. Body Weight Squats – 20 reps
  2. Push-ups – 10 reps
  3. Jumping jacks
  4. Dumbbell rows – 10 -per side
  5. Planks – 30
  6. Walking lunges – 20
  7. Goblet squats – 10
  8. Overhead presses – 8
  9. Front rack reverse Lunge – 10 per side
  10. Kettle swings – 15

Plan 5: After a few weeks of training, utilizing the entire circuit-style set together will bring the most benefits. Divide each exercise into sets of two and limit your reps to 12 each time. This way, you can complete four full circles of each exercise. You could start with simple stretching exercises or some basic cardio to pump energy before the sets.


  1. Leg press
  2. Goblet squats
  3. Seated cable rows
  4. Goblet squats – Repeat another few sets
  5. Dumbbell hammer curl
  6. Walking lunges
  7. Leg press
  8. Push-ups
  9. Dumbbell bent side arm raise
  10. Straight bar triceps press down
  11. Flat dumbbell chest fly

Plan 6: This set of workouts is best done as three sets of 20 reps with short pauses between each rep. You can choose lighter weights or reduce the total sets. But stick to the reps per set for proper training. You can use weights on both hands or one hand based on practice for exercises such as pullovers and triceps extensions

  1. Dumbbell bench press
  2. Dumbbell hammer curl
  3. Standing calf raise
  4. Tricep kickback
  5. Bicycle crunches
  6. Push-ups – start with as many as you can and try a half push up in the initial stages
  7. Seated calf raise
  8. Dumbbell pullover

These workout routines are simple and involve a focus on all the major muscle groups of the body which ensures your strength training gets well done.