Sen. Cruz Honors Veterans in Corpus Christi

Participates in the ‘Salute to Veterans’ aboard the USS Lexington

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Saturday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) delivered remarks aboard the USS Lexington at the ‘Salute to Veterans’ ceremony in Corpus Christi. There, he thanked veterans and their families for their selfless sacrifice.

Senator Ted Cruz

Several media outlets covered Sen. Cruz’s visit in Corpus Christi. Selected news coverage is below:

KRIS: Sen. Ted Cruz speaks at USS Lexington Veterans Day Ceremony

“U.S. Senator Ted Cruz made a visit to the Coastal Bend Saturday to give a personal thank you to veterans. Senator Cruz was the guest speaker at the “Veterans Day Ceremony” aboard USS Lexington and he addressed a big crowd on that historic ship.  Cruz said “Veterans Day” is about commemorating, and honoring every single man and woman who has put on a uniform and fought for the country. But it’s also, about simply saying thank you. ‘It is the soldier, not the minister, who has given us the freedom of religion. It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of press. It is the soldier, not the politician, especially not the politician, who has given us the right to vote,’ Senator Cruz said.”

Corpus Christi Caller Times: Veterans honored at Lexington’s “Salute to Veterans” on Saturday

“This year, the Lexington honored them with a special one hour ceremony. The event featured special appearances from Senator Ted Cruz, a video message from Rep. Blake Farenthold and local representatives in the audience. ‘It is a soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is a soldier, not the politician, especially not the politician, who has given us the right to vote … That’s what it means. The spirit of sacrifice, of courage, of love and of strength,’ said Senator Cruz. ‘This Veterans Day, we are here to thank you.’”

KIII: Veterans Day Celebrated on the USS Lexington

“The USS Lexington will be hosting a appreciation day for all Veterans Saturday. It was announced by Museum director Rocco Montesano that all Veterans and active duty men will be able receive free admission to tour the Lexington. The Salute to the Veterans begins Saturday evening at 2 p.m. and will include a handful of fun activities. Senator Ted Cruz will be a guest speaker for the event, and will also include a Veterans Band who will perform patriotic tunes.”