Home Rule Cities Elect Members to H-GAC Board of Directors

(From the left: Councilmember Adam Arendell, City of Alvin; Councilmember Cecil Willis, City of Stafford; Councilmember Trisha Pollard, City of Bellaire; Council Member William King III, City of Dickinson)

Representatives from Home Rule Cities in the Houston-Galveston Area Council region met on Thursday, November 2 to choose two members to represent their cities and two members to serve as alternates on the H-GAC Board of Directors.

City of Dickinson Councilmember William King III and City of Bellaire Councilmember Trisha Pollard were elected to serve as Board members representing Home Rule Cities.

City of Alvin Councilmember Adam Arendell and City of Stafford Councilmember Cecil Willis were elected to serve as Alternates.

The Board of Directors is composed of local elected officials who serve on the governing bodies of member local governments. There are thirty-six members on the H-GAC Board. The Board provides oversight and direction for H-GAC staff in carrying out the wide array of programs for the agency.

Houston-Galveston Area Council

The Houston-Galveston Area Council (www.h-gac.com) is a voluntary association of local governments in the 13-county Gulf Coast Planning Region—an area of 12,500 square miles and more than 6 million people. H-GAC works to promote efficient and accountable use of local, state, and federal tax dollars and serves as a problem-solving and information forum for local government needs.