The Arrest and Incarceration Industry

The HPRA Friday lunch speaker this week will be Shakira Pumphrey, the Executive Director of Just Liberty, a new Austin-based group focused on criminal justice reform. Ms. Pumphery will be accompanied by the group’s founder, legendary blogger Scott Henson of Grits for Breakfast fame. We will surely hear a few words from him as well. Likely topics are bail bond reform, civil asset forfeiture, false confessions, police accountability, and safety conditions in the jail houses of Texas.

Houston Property Rights Association

PUBLIC INVITED: $11.49 plus 10% gratuity – buffet self-serve – all you can eat.

Coffee and tea are extra.

The Lam Bo Restaurant (Chinese and American food), is at

6159 Westheimer Road, about a mile west of Chimney Rock on the south side.

(look for us in the back room)

October 20, 2017

Buffet lunch – 12:00 to 2:00 – Program starts at 12:30

Please tell your friends and neighbors about our meetings.


Upcoming Speakers and Topics

Oct. 27: TBD

Nov. 3: GOP commentator Don Hooper – on what he thinks the election outcomes will be.

Nov. 10:  Texas Department of Public Safety Regional Commander Philip Steen – on gang threat in Houston region.

Nov. 17:   Jeff Lindner, meteorologist for the Harris County Flood Control District.

Nov. 24:  No meeting/ Thanksgiving Weekend

Dec. 1: TBD (last meeting of year)

January 5:  TBD

HPRA wants to thank Computer Services of Texas

for its donated work keeping the HPRA Macintosh computer running smoothly.
