Over 500 Katy ISD Students Participate In Duke Tip Talent Search


Junior High students score high on PSAT and ACT tests

Katy ISD is proud to announce that 566 seventh grade students participated in the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke Tip) this year demonstrating advanced aptitudes on grade level assessments which qualifies them to take either the PSAT and ACT test.

Approximately 344 of those testers qualified to participate in either the Academy for Summer Studies or the Center for Summer Studies.  State recognition was given to 251 students whose scores were equal to the 50th national percentile rank for college-bound seniors taking the test and 36 students earned Grand Recognition for achieving a score that is equal to the 90th national percentile rank for college-bound seniors in at least one subtest.

Duke Tip is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving academically talented youth.  As a global leader in gifted education Duke Tip works with students, families and educators to identify, recognize, challenge, engage and support gifted youth in reaching their highest potential.